This post is mainly just an excuse to test a Gist plugin for WordPress.
Occasionally, you might think it would be handy to subclass Numeric types such as Integer. For instance, you might want to create a constrained integer which can only have certain values.
Ruby isn’t quite turtles all the way down, though: Numerics in Ruby are immediates, meaning that they don’t represent a heap-allocated object. Since you can’t allocate them, you can’t create a subclass and allocate instances of the subclass:
[gist id=1124430]
Interesting! Do you also know why you cannot create subclasses of Class?
Because you will tear a hole in the space-time continuum.
Dammit, @avdi, way to make me pull up irb at 0330 -0400. That’s just mean.
Another interesting artifact of integers in ruby:
Another interesting artifact of integers in ruby:
That IS interesting!
This is because (at least in MRI and YARV) the least significant bit of the object id says whether it’s an immediate Fixnum or not (odd object id → it’s a Fixnum, even object id → it’s some other object). This is also the reason why Fixnums on 32-bit systems are limited to 2^30-1 (of the 32 bits, one is used for the Fixnum/non-Fixnum choice, the other for the Fixnum’s sign).
More fun (with false/true/nil/undef and symbols, as well as object_id ↔ C’s VALUE differences) at gc.c’s rb_obj_id():
In Ruby 2.0.0-p247:
pry(main)> (-2..2).map {|i| i.object_id }
=> [-3, -1, 1, 3, 5]
pry(main)> true.object_id
=> 20
pry(main)> false.object_id
=> 0
pry(main)> nil.object_id
=> 8