I’d like to dedicate more time than I currently do to formal-ish study (as opposed to just fiddling around with stuff). I thought I’d make posting my notes a regular part of that practice. We’ll see how it goes.
Up today is “Understanding Computation”, the current Ruby Rogues book club book. For me, the biggest eye-opener so far has been how the while loop “reduces” by expanding out to an if-statement which contains the original while-loop in its “consequence” branch.
[gist id=5895870]
I’ve had the browser tab open on the website for this book for two days, wondering if I can find a way to squeeze out the time to make it worth my while. I was thinking I need to make another run through Confident Ruby and POODR. But the sample chapter was a lot of fun.
Looks like I’m behind on my Rogues, didn’t realize this was the current book club selection.