A rather long and rambling demonstration of Myron Marston’s VCR library. This screencast covers:
- What VCR is, and why you might want to use it
- Configuring VCR in a Rails 3 app
- Creating Cucumber helpers for organizing VCR cassettes
- Starting and stoping VCR recordings using both the block form and insert/eject methods.
- Creating a simple VCR cassettes UI and recording live API interactions in development mode.
This took longer than I expected to record, and unfortunately by the time I was done I simply couldn’t justify spending even MORE time editing it down. I figured the raw video was better than no video at all.
Avdi. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and experience in the video.
Appreciate this, but does it need to be a screencast? There’s very little to look at for most of the video, and a lot of uninteresting banter. I’d much rather you just write an article that I can glean from.
I’m still experimenting with the form. As I said to Markw below, I’d much rather have put up something shorter and more tightly edited, but I didn’t have time to work any more on it after recording.
I just started using and learning vcr and webmock yesterday. For me, your vcr screencast is quite timely. Thank you.
Awesome, glad to hear it!
Thanks for the screencast, Avdi.
I’m about to add authentication with OmniAuth into a project and have been investigating how to write end-to-end tests that don’t rely on the network. Your screencast has given me plenty to think about.
I was also thinking of producing a similar guide when I’m done, but based on Sinatra, rather than Rails. If you’d like to contribute ideas, feedback and/or material let me know.
I would LOVE to see what you come up with for Sinatra. Please keep me posted!
This screencast is a bit old but I found it really useful. I did a “transcript” of it
If nothing else it shows how you can compress rambling into text 😉