Hi, folks. I’m in the market for a hand-me-down app. Specifically:
- Open-source or public domain
- Smallish, but real. Not just a “hello world” app.
- Does something that most people would understand without a ton of domain-specific background.
- Built with Ruby on Rails 3 or later
- Working (if there are bugs that’s OK)
- Doesn’t have to have tests
- If the code is a mess that’s fine. If it’s embarrassing, that’s fine. You can donate anonymously if you wish 😉
Basically I’m looking for your first Rails app, or maybe that hackathon project that you launched and then lost interest.
Comment, tweet at me, or otherwise get in touch! Thanks!
OK but why? You can fork https://github.com/ruurd/books_multiplier if you want to. It’s a Google Books cache that you can stack if you want to.
Avdi, These are not mine to donate, but if you’ve the time, you may be able to find one Rails app in this collection that a maintainer no longer has time for: https://github.com/eliotsykes/real-world-rails/tree/master/apps
Here’s an old one… My first Rails app. \o/ Pranking with this is pretty fun 🙂 http://karp.herokuapp.com/
When I have time, I try to work on https://github.com/siruguri/os_twitter_client/ – I can’t say I’m super proud of it, re code quality, but my goal is to mainly gather tweet data and play around with what it takes to do large scale network analysis. It’s marginally complex, though some of it is false complexity created by a slap-dash coding style. Happy to answer questions … I am not really looking to pass it on to a maintainer, but feel free to fork it, and do what you will with it.