This is the first I’ve heard of this project: it’s an LLVM-to-Javascript compiler. Which means you can (for instance) compile C++ to Javascript. I can’t decide if this is amazing or just batshit insane. Probably both.
Overall Emscripten is now in very good shape. It can probably compile most any C/C++ project out there, subject to some limitations (like JS not allowing C-style multithreading).
Another contexts plugin for Test::Unit.
To Yield or Not to Yield: An Inferable Question | Blog | Carbonica
A terrific article on statically analyzing Ruby code to infer whether a given method will yield to a block.
Life beyond HTTP 1.1: Google’s SPDY – igvita.com
I knew about SPDY. But I didn’t realize Google was already using it in production.
Turns out, while the original work and tests around SPDY were done in the Chromium project, since then, the official Google Chrome client has shipped with built-in SPDY support, and not surprisingly, Google’s servers are also SPDY enabled. In other words, if you use Chrome, and you’re using Google services, then many of those pages are not arriving to you over HTTP – you are actually running over SPDY!
A spreadsheet comparing Ruby HTTP libraries.
List of the canonical introductory textbooks covering the major branches of computer science
Handy list.