Hi there! You’re probably here because you have a job lead for me. That’s great! I’m eager to land on a team where I can help level-up developers while building rich, graceful, useful, robust systems.
I’m in the privileged position to hear about a lot of job opportunities. Over the course of many, many conversations and interviews with potential employers, I’ve come to find their needs and mine aren’t always perfectly aligned… and it’s better for both of us to figure that out as quickly as possible!
With that in mind, I’ve put together an employer screen. Your answers below will help me determine if this is an opportunity that warrants further discussion.
Note: many of the questions below are intended for a hiring manager or recruiter. So if you’re a developer who has referred me to this job opportunity: a) thank you! ???? and b) you might want to forward this along to someone who can answer ALL the questions below.
Thanks very much for your time!