UPDATE: I met my goal!! Thanks everyone, and see you in New Orleans!
I’ve decided I want to go to RubyConf this year, because all my friends will be there. Not to mention new friends I haven’t met yet!
Only problem is, I’m kinda broke (yay for the US healthcare system!). I’ve managed to find some kind benefactors for my conference ticket and plane ride (you know who you are; I owe you one). But I still need to cover my hotel room.
The hotel room bill came to $769.48. I know, I probably could have found a better deal on Priceline or AirBnB. But conference experience has taught me that if you’re going to a conf expressly to socialize, it pays to room at the venue.
So, to cover my lodging costs I’m throwing a one-day sale! You can take 25% off any of my books or one-off videos by using code RUBYCONFORBUST . That includes:
- Confident Ruby
- Exceptional Ruby
- That one video where I talk about Sinatra and Rails and Talking ASCII art cows.
Here’s some stuff people have said about my books: