RubyTapas Episode 4: Barewords

In today’s free Monday episode of RubyTapas, some thoughts on how to enable method logic to remain stable and unchanged while evolving and changing the source and scope of the values used by the logic.


  1. I always thought which version is better:

    def full_name; “#{@first_name} #{@last_name}”; end
    def full_name; “#{first_name} #{last_name}”; end

    So you’re suggesting to stick with the second variant when there’s attr_reader for both :first_name and :full_name specified?

  2. Great video, and a neat pattern. Elixir has a similar mechanism — mixfiles take advantage of it (see deps):

    defmodule MyApp.Mixfile do
    def project do
    deps: deps]

    defp deps do
    [{:ecto, “~> 0.3.0”}]

    When reading more complex code, barewords for function calls does make the references harder to trace; you have to check multiple contexts to know how a reference is being resolved. I rambled about that here:

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