Sure, monkey patching is great and all. That period of disbelief, followed by increasing exasperation as the victim maintenance programmer discovers that an object is behaving differently than it’s source code says it should, is satisfying. But sooner or later he or she wises up and greps through the codebase, discovers where you re-opened the class in question, and the game is up.
The fact of the matter is that monkeys simply aren’t very stealthy. They are easy to find when you know what you are looking for. When you really want to catch a coder by surprise, a monkey doesn’t cut it. What you need is a Ninja:.
And so, today I’m unleashing the technique of Ninja-Patching, along with a reference implementation. Ninja-Patching is silent, untraceable, precise, unpredictable, and always deadly. And unlike monkey patching, which usually happens at startup, Ninja-Patching happens when you least expect it. Here’s an example use:
require 'ninja' Ninja.hire(Enumerable) do def self.to_s "PWNED by Ninjas!!!" end
That’s all you have to do. A silent assassin has been hired, and will ruthlessly hunt down its target. In this case, the target is the first object found in ObjectSpace
which is a kind of Enumerable. Which one? Hard to say. Ninjas are, like I said, unpredictable. Once the target is acquired, the Ninja will wait some random amount of time in order to throw off the trail and instill a false sense of security. Then, without warning, the Ninja will attack! The block given to Ninja.hire
will be executed in the context of the target object. And then it’s all over but the crying.
Here’s the implementation:
CODE = <<'END_CODE' class Ninja def self.hire(target_description, &instructions), instructions) end private # target_description can be either an object which responds to +#===+, or a # Proc which returns true or false. def initialize(target_description, instructions) @target_description = if target_description.kind_of?(Proc) then target_description else lambda {|obj| target_description === obj} end @instructions = instructions @target = acquire_target(@target_description) if @target.equal?(self) $stderr.puts "Never double-cross a Ninja!" exit elsif @target stalk(@target) else raise "No such object found!" end end def acquire_target(target_description) ObjectSpace.each_object do |object| if return object end end nil end def stalk(target) do sleep(rand(60)) attack!(target) end end def attack!(target) target.instance_eval(&@instructions) end end END_CODE # Using eval conceals the Ninja in the stack trace eval CODE
This code is released under the Ninja Public License (NPL), which releases me from all liability should ninja.rb turn on you and assasinate you in your Kernel#sleep()
. Warning: ninja.rb has a known vulnerability to chosen_one.rb.
I suppose this was meant as a joke, but I intend to use “Ninja-Patching” from now on instead of that other phrase, the one actually invented by Python programmers.”
“I suppose this was meant as a joke”
But i must agree somewhat 🙂
I think whenever someone mentions monkey patching from now on, I will refer to ninja patching. Sounds a lot better.
I suppose this was meant as a joke, but I intend to use “Ninja-Patching” from now on instead of that other phrase, the one actually invented by Python programmers.”
“I suppose this was meant as a joke”
But i must agree somewhat 🙂
I think whenever someone mentions monkey patching from now on, I will refer to ninja patching. Sounds a lot better.
Being a Python developer, I have no strong feelings either way on this post, but I like your writing style!
“I intend to use “Ninja-Patching” from now on instead of that other phrase”
I personally favor “slapmethoding”, which is entry #3 in _why’s Complete List Of Substitute Names For The Maneuver We Now Know To Be Monkeypatching.
Being a Python developer, I have no strong feelings either way on this post, but I like your writing style!
class ChosenOne do
Ninja.class_eval do
def attack!
# Ahah! The ninja is helpless!
My apologies, I’m still new to Ruby so I’m sure this could be nicer. I couldn’t figure out a decent way to determine if a class is defined (it must be staring me right in the face), and the thread was the only way I could get it to work regardless of the require ordering.
Needless to say I enjoyed this post!
One other thing: I lost my comment the first time I submitted because I was prompted about OpenID. I am not a fan of that behaviour :/
That is really cool!
I had to laugh out loud while trying it out and understanding it!
“Objects, silence! Beware of the Ninja!”
Paul: sorry about the lost comment. I’m increasingly not a fan of WordPress, period.
That is really cool!
I had to laugh out loud while trying it out and understanding it!
“Objects, silence! Beware of the Ninja!”
Nice write up and blog , Thanks for sharing all those good info
My Best regards
A python, a monkey, and a ninja walk into a bar.. LOL
nice job, thanks for this useful article
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Ninjas everywhere 🙂 Thanks for this man