A Guardfile for Redis

I ran into a project that required a running Redis server for the tests and development environment to work. Here’s what I threw into the Guardfile to make sure a Redis server was running during development. It starts a new daemonized redis-server instance with a customizable port number. The executable can be specified in case you need to use a specific installation of Redis.

I’d like to make a real Guard plugin gem out of this but I thought I’d put up what I have since who knows when I’ll get around to that.


  1. You don’t have any persistence with this config.  That might be fine for what you’re using redis for.  But it wouldn’t be too big of a deal to also toss a few config lines for saving (either aof or a dumpfile) the DB into your tmp dir.

    Anyway, this gives me some new ideas for how I ought to be using guard more.  🙂

  2. Cool idea. I’ve taken to approaching this by using Foreman to run external processes like Redis because I like the unified color-coded logging, and then I include bundle exec guard start $([ -n "$GUARDS" ] && echo "-g $GUARDS") at the end of the Procfile.

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