What are your favorite Ruby WTFs? Oddities, peculiarities, tripping hazards, bits of code that do NOT return what you expect them to return?
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Avdi Grimm, Code Cleric
What are your favorite Ruby WTFs? Oddities, peculiarities, tripping hazards, bits of code that do NOT return what you expect them to return?
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@avdi HereDocs were surprising the first time I ran into them and to this day I have to look up how they work every time I use them.
@rebelwarrior @avdi I’ve internalized their usage, but chaining methods onto the _start_ of a heredoc was/is a big WTF for colleagues.
no new line
@avdi setting local variables with `foo = …` when I mean to set instance variables with `self.foo = …`. Been using the language nearly 20 years and this asymmetrical weirdness tripped me up again this week.
@avdi one of my favorite “that’s so clever it’s ingenious” was `ubygems.rb` being a file in stdlib that just did a `require “rubygems”`. This cleverness powered the `ruby -rubygems` of old.
@avdi These days mine are mostly precedence-related
foo(bar) + 1
foo (bar) + 1
And for those times I need to store the result of a method call which is used in a conditional to use it inside the body:
if (x = foo(lol)) || bar
if x = foo(lol) || bar